


LightPHPFramework (LPF) use five constants to direct you to important directories. This framework uses them internally to locate classes and other files. These constants are set in index.php and App/bootstrap.php.


Key Description
DOCROOT Path to the location where the document root is.
APPPATH Path to the application directory (/path/to/App/). This is where your application directories and code reside.
COREPATH Path to the core directory (/path/to/LPF/). This is where all the LightPHPFramework (LPF) classes live.
CONFPATH Path to the config directory (/path/to/App/config/). This is where your config files reside.
TPLPATH Path to the template directory (/path/to/App/views/). This is where your templates / views files reside.
DEFAULT_CONFIG Name of the default config file.
ASSETS_PATH Path to the assets directory (/public/assets/).
IMAGE_PATH Path to the template directory (/public/assets/images/).
CSS_PATH Path to the template directory (/public/assets/css/).
JS_PATH Path to the template directory (/public/assets/js/).
LPF_DISPLAY_ERRORS Constant to control display_errors(). Can be configured in config file.
LPF_PROJECT_NAME Constant for your project name. Can be configured in config file.
LPF_PROJECT_URL Constant for your project url. Can be configured in config file.
LPF_PROJECT_EMAIL Constant for your project email. Can be configured in config file.